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Beenius is proud to announce release of the latest Beenius Server and Beenius Linux STB App version 4.2.3. With the new version we are one step closer to our vision of becoming viewers’ first choice.


Local PVR

Improved feature enables viewers to make recordings of their favorite TV content on their local storage equipped STBs.



stabilityStability and robustness

As stability is prerequisite, Beenius has put a lot of effort into TV Platform optimization and the result is even more stable and robust system for large operator systems.


subscriptionSubscription visibility

Within T-Commerce operators can promote different subscription packages to their viewers, and at the same time hide subscription packages due to technical or legal constraints.


movievariantsMovie variants

Viewers can now choose between different video qualities, language variants and subtitles for the same VOD content which can be offered at different prices.


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