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The operators should embrace OTT as it becomes normal everyday habit of their viewers. The internet is emerging as a sustainable way for broadcast content delivery and today Pay-TV as well as Cable operators are able to reach their audience directly by using OTT.

One of the valuable benefits provided by Beenius Platform is to empower TV operators, to provide video content on different devices everywhere.

Besides that, there is also Beenius’ Unified TV Platform for OTT, DVB-x hybrid, or multicast IPTV. Differed types of operators can become Viewers’ First Choice by targeting their customers, regardless of their managed network, only by the mere connection to the internet.

Like Miles Weaver, Director of Product Marketing at Piksel pointed out perfectly: “There are key things that an OTT provider should be focused on, primarily their audience and their content.”

One thing is certain, the viewers are overflowed with the number of channels and On-demand content, and there is nothing they can do about it. They get frequently frustrated when the enjoyable content cannot be found (73% of the viewers) or when noting is on TV (7% of the viewers), according to Rovi’s survey.

What Beenius can do to make TV more enjoyable for the viewers and profitable for the operators?

With the support of User Statistics and Data driven analytics, the Beenius Platform is able to recommend most suitable and enjoyable TV programs and VOD content to the viewer. Based on the viewer’s previous habits and interests, which are stored in the statistics subsystem, Recommendation System! suggests to each viewer personalized Live TV shows or VOD content.

We concur, Recommendations with good user experience are vital for content discovery and better discoverability brings more satisfied users who watch more content, which has a positive monetization effects for the operators.

If you would like to know more about the recommendation engine developed by Beenius or about the integration with external third-party recommendation engines write us or visit usWe are glad to explain more about Beenius Interactive TV Platform and how to become Viewers’ First Choice!


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