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For all of you who thought that STB sales were decreasing.

STB revenue grew almost 10% in 2012, a considerable rebound from the previous year. Infonetics predicted that the global set-top box market would hit US$26 billion in 2017 (The STB market was worth US$4.6 billion in the last quarter of 2012) – which is 3% more than the previous quarter.

Infonetics predicted that the global STB market will hit US$26 billion in 2017, an increase over its long-term forecast due to updated shipment guidance from vendors and the addition of cable and satellite video gateway and media player forecasts.

Meanwhile, Social TV usage has increased to over 11 million monthly users (up from 3.4 million, as measured in January 2011).

The source for this blog:
Digital TV Europe
Social TV Use Triples in 18 Months (from: The Online Reporter – PDF issue 824)

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