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Love them or just don`t care about them they are here to stay according to Watches2U. And who would know better than one of the biggest online watch retailers in the world.

When they were first introduced they were rugged and unattractive but things have changed since IBM introduced its Linux based smart watch in 2001. Fast forward to 2015 and we find not only tech giants have their models but even luxury watchmakers have jumped on the Smartwatch bandwagon.

As TV Everywhere phenomena is changing the way we consume television, smart watches should be integral part of it. The size and functionality is perfect for TV content related notifications. This way viewers will truly never miss their favorite live TV moments, may that be a game of their favorite team or latest news.

This year Beenius Android Wear has been added to Beenius Everywhere Collection. Android Wear is compatible with Beenius Android Mobile ApplicationBeenius Android TV Application and Beenius Android STB Application every time and everywhere when you want to receive the latest TV-related notifications. It is simple and clear and it proofs that Beenius Everywhere Collection is designed with intuitive functionalities in mind from the very beginning. Viewer can benefit from it in his everyday life.

If you are interested how Beenius Android Wear can change the way your customers consume TV, please contact Beenius Representative.

Source: Watches2U


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