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This is a special edition of BeeSmart News prepared to celebrate the upcoming major industry event NAB Show in Las Vegas. Find out what Beenius team has prepared for this occasion to pamper your curiosity.

It is all about great partnership

At the upcoming NAB Show 2012, Beenius is proud to present Beesmart TV Middleware which will demonstrate how you can serve the world from the cloud. To get the inside look of Beesmart Middleware and to be introduced to Beesmart Interactive TV Platform, visit us at hall S4, booth Nº SU11906A. Furthermore, Beenius also invites you to visit venues of partners where you will experience how Beesmart Middleware integrates with partners’ end-to-end ecosystems!

1. Live presentation of Beesmart Middleware at Dune´s booth

Have a look at the live presentation of Beesmart Middleware at Dune´s HD booth in the South Upper Hall, Nº 11109. Dune HD, a STB vendor with sales and distribution in more than 60 countries, is proud to present integration with the popular Beesmart Middleware. Beesmart Middleware integrates advanced video sub-systems and delivers powerful services through interactive TV user interface. With integration of Beesmart Middleware, Dune HD devices gain options for expanded live and on-demand TV content, DVR capabilities, target advertising, tames, chat and more. Visit Dune´s booth and see it for yourself!

2. Working hand in hand with JENA

If you are curious to know what are the results of the intriguing cooperation between company JENA and Beenius, visit boo th Nº SU7204. JENA, the company that provides cost-effective and reliable digital TV products and solutions for long-term partnerships with multiservice carriers and retail partners, has teamed up with Beenius for NAB Show 2012. Beesmart Middleware will be presented at their booth which you are welcomed to visit to see us in action!

  • More information about JENA

3. Broadcast International presents Beesmart Middleware

Company Broadcast International, most powerful software-based encoder and transcoder for live, file-based and cloud video content, will appear at NAB Show and present Beesmart Middleware at booth Nº SU8523. All of you that expect to see a versatile interactive TV middleware ready to be deployed in IPTV and OTT environments, are welcome to visit Beesmart Middleware at the booth of Broadcast International.

4. ViewCast works with best-of-breed partners


ViewCast is a company that doesn’t just sell products, but provides great solutions. Corporation states it works closely with best-of-breed partners to provide the highest-quality solutions possible for their customers. We are welcoming you at booth Nº SU3219 to see ViewCast’s presentation of IPTV/OTT solution along with Beesmart Middleware. Don´t miss this exciting demonstration!

Read more about Beeniuss latest achievements


1. EdgeCast and Beenius together in the Cloud

Beesmart Middleweare fully supports cloud setups, which enables experience of Beesmart Middleware pl atform with rich multimedia services at any time and any place to any subscriber with broadband internet access! In order to provide the best interactive OTT television, we decided to partner-up with EdgeCast. The full integration of Beesmart Middleware with EdgeCast CDN is now available for immediate deployment worldwide.


2. Beenius and Verimatrix on White paper

We are proud to announce Beenius and Verimatrix joint solution as presented in a linked White Paper. The mutual goal is to deliver a high quality Internet TV/OTT television experience to a variety of consumer devices. The integrated solution, based on Beesmart Middleware and the third-generation Verimatrix Video Content Authority System (VCAS™ 3) for content and revenue security, provides the key functions for an optimal quality and secure premium OTT television service delivery.

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