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We greatly appreciate the opportunity to have met you and to have welcomed you at our stand!

We hope that you enjoyed your time with us and got the information you needed.

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What’s been happening at the Beenius stand on Sunday

The atmosphere on our stand today was amazing! All screens for demonstration of our Beesmart middleware have been taken for this reason throughout the day. We loved it! Thank you for being here!

All of you who have taken a hot shot with our Beenius hostesses, don’t forget to check it out at the My Screen album and share it with your network through Twitter and Facebook! The voting for the Beenius Screen of the Future winner is on until the end of September!

You can see your photo here.


Today was the last day of My Screen show at the Beenius stand!

Today was the last day of My Screen show at the Beenius stand!

We hope that you got the chance to get your Beenius Screen of the Future!

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