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This year NAB Show came to an end! More than 100,000 visitors came to the exhibition from over 150 countries.


Beenius team was amazed of numerous visitors that they came to the booth each day. The majority that visit Beenius booth was from America and Canada. They all expressed great interest in our Beesmart Middleware.

We can say that the most attractive features of our Beesmart Middleware that fascinated our visitors the most were social applications on TV, Multiscreen and Fling the video session. But that was not all, we created positive buzz with Beesmart Middleware’s advanced and compelling user-interface, along with wide range of supported devices. Visitors were also very pleased to hear that our product is already integrated with twelve different STB vendors.

At this event we were not alone. With the help of our partners we successfully presented Beesmart at their booths along with their solution. The result was enormous inquiry of Beesmart Middleware from a different NAB visitor. Some of them heard about us for the first time and some of them already knew about Beesmart for some time now, but both were equally impressed with Beesmart and the product itself.

We would like take this opportunity to thank all of our visitors all of our partners and organizers of a NAB Show for a great show and one of a kind experience. We are looking forward to see you at the Nab show next year. We also hope to see you at the different events that are still to come in the future.

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