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Beenius presents a new white paper – The second Screen: A growing phenomenon in the multimedia industry.

This white paper presents market facts and second screen business opportunities to TV operators.

Second screens not only connect people, create engagement, and increase interaction and user experience, but also create a framework for new service opportunities. Operators can add a variety of value added features or applications in order to increase their ARPU.

For example, while watching a TV show that includes fashion trends, viewers can also see banners for apparel and accessories and they can navigate to a designer web-store.

What about TV consumers?

Using the second screen while watching TV isn’t really a new activity; it is just a new way of interaction coming from an ever existing human need for interaction.

Research shows that 85% of smartphone users reported second screen-linked behavior at least once a month. TV consumers are becoming “multi-screeners” by using computers, TVs, smartphones or tablets, depending on the location, the amount of time available and the contents being watched.

Download the full version today: The Second Screen: A growing phenomenon in the multimedia industry.


Second screens create a framework for new business opportunities for operators.

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