
In today’s article we bring emphasis on video playback experience and advertising analytics, offered by MediaMelon.

The MediaMelon Intelligence Platform is a complete OTT streaming and advertising analytics platform, enabling real-time insights to drive impactful and business critical decisions. MediaMelon ensures video experiences constantly delight the viewer, while reducing the cost of content distribution and also increasing its monetization. 

The portfolio of solutions underlying the MediaMelon Intelligence Platform includes:

SmartSight Analytics:

SmartSight Analytics is the lens on the real viewing experience your watchers have, measuring continuously from the player for the entirety of their session.   It is a real-time, anomaly detection-based analytics solution that immediately provides actionable intelligence with the root cause of video playback experience issues.  It allows streaming services to rapidly resolve issues to improve viewer experience, satisfaction and churn while also reducing. abandonment and viewer churn.


SmartSight for Ads

Ad failures and delivery issues cause reduced monetization due to fewer ad impressions and reduce fill-rates.   These problems are often left un-resolved due to the lack of timely insight, and the complex ecosystem involved with many points of failure from the creative to the ad server and player. While errors remain un-fixed, they create a negative viewing experience that leads to viewer frustration that manifests as abandonment and ultimately churn, further compounding revenue loss.

SmartSight for Ads measures ad breaks as well as individual client-side and server-side inserted ads, obtaining the most accurate insight into the end-viewer experience.  MediaMelon’s real-time measurement starts at the ad request and continues through to ad completion across every interaction in the ad, including ad blockers, skips and clicks.  The granular insight into ad performance and playback quality of experience (QoE) will improve monetization due to accelerated resolution of viewing inhibitors.


SmartPlay automates experience improvement with Analytics that Act!

SmartPlay understands the context of the playback session such as the device, bitrate, bandwidth and inhibiting quality factors such as connection induced buffering.  It understands poor viewing experience compared to high quality playback using patented iMOS TM technology, that scores every single frame of every quality of encoding.  The combination of this enables real-time adjustments to be made by the player to improve playback quality based on both perceptive and playback context, so that the viewing experience constantly delights.

As Media Systems Integrator, we have all the necessary relationships with 3rd party technology vendors, plugins, modules and contacts so that operators’ time to market reduces significantly!

Contact us for more information.

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