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Have you planned your trip to Amsterdam in September yet? If the answer is yes, than you probably know that Amsterdam boasts excellent transport links, fantastic culture, and superb nightlife. And you also know that in September Amsterdam hosts IBC the premier annual event for professionals engaged in the creation, management and delivery of entertainment and news content worldwide, where also Beenius takes place.

But if you haven’t yet planned your trip to Amsterdam, we suggest that you do immediately! The hotels are almost booked, the air plane ticket are getting expensive, so don’t waste any more of your pressures time and book a meeting at IBC expo with Beenius representative at stand 14.C30 today!

What we suggest to do at IBC2016 is:

  • Visit Beenius at stand No. 14.C30 from 9th till 13th of September;
  • Become Viewers’ First Choice with Beenius Interactive TV platform;
  • Acquire new customers and ensure a ubiquitous presence all the time, on every device, and on all types of access networks with Cloud TV as a Service – Nuboly;
  • Obtain tailored turnkey solution that will lower your churn rate and attract new viewers with Beenius TV Platform;
  • Check out the Beenius Everywhere Collection, from Beenius Android STB App, Beenius Android TV App, Beenius Android BeeMarket App, Beenius Android Smartphone and Tablet App, Beenius IOS and Ipad App and Beenius Android Wear; all at our stand 14.C30;
  • Visit Beenius demonstration panel on 10th of Sept at IBC Content Everywhere Europe HUB;
  • Join Beenius Party on 11th of September at Beenius stand 14.C30;


Book a meeting today and be the first to visit Beenius at IBC2016 this year!

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