We Live in the Global Living Room

Only a few years ago we discussed blockbuster movies during commercials. How can we share our opinions about TV content today?

Mostly by using social media apps on smart TVs and second screen devices. Did you know that 86% of viewers use a second screen device while watching TV?

Unfortunately today we don’t have time for “in the same place” discussions in front of the TV. Nevertheless, we still try to talk about video content with others. What solutions are there? How can we continue to discuss popular shows and classic movies? Today mostly by using social media networks.

Operators can provide service that allows users to discuss content with buddies in real time by using second screen devices or TVs and STBs with Beesmart middleware. Take advantage of such features and make your TV service a global living room with a view of anywhere in the world and take the TV experience to a whole new level!

Social TV: The global living room
Social TV: The global living room


Social TV: The Global Living Room [INFOGRAPHIC] is also published on the following sites:

– Visual.ly[INFOGRAPHIC]

– SlideShare: [INFOGRAPHIC]

– Pinterest: [INFOGRAPHIC]

You can also find the infographic at Beenius webpage.

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