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Beenius offers solutions for every project. If your clients are looking for an interactive experience, not only in front of the TV, but also with a second screen, our Beesmart middleware can provide the tools for extensive upgrades and prompt customizations in a cost-effective manner.

We are committed to continuously delivering the means for sustainable growth. Beesmart boasts the whole package, from middleware to CMS portal, as well as fast deployment.

Let your users record their favorite movies

At the NAB Show you can participate in presentations of Beesmart local and cloud PVR. Find out what the main difference is between local and cloud-based PVR, and which one is more appropriate for your network and users.

Make your own flavor!

Beesmart’s Chameleon also introduces new theming possibilities, where the choice of colors, fonts, icons (such as logos), and pictures on the interface is completely up to the operator. The new admin functionality BeeTheme Editor enables prompt and easy customizations according to the operator’s tastes and/or market requirements, and puts the operator firmly behind the wheel. This brings advantages such as reduced time for implementation and lower costs, and gives the operator the freedom to choose the frequency of customizations.

A second screen – nothing new, but still so cool!

Use of second-screen devices while watching TV on a large primary screen is already widespread and is even increasing. Second-screen usage and companion applications are becoming important components of the TV viewing experience. Second screens are becoming more and more popular among TV viewers. It is vital for Interactive TV operators that they also include attractive applications for second screen devices in their TV service offerings. Beenius will be presenting second-screen applications for iOS and Android devices.

Promote yourself!

You can easily promote your new content in VOD catalogs without additional costs. Add your ads inside of UI in the form of banners. The platform enables ad presentation on STBs and flexible administration – where a schedule of advertisements can be created for particular content. Ads as banners, overlaid inside UI, can be “clickable” so that when a viewer sees the ad he or she can “jump” directly to this content and make a purchase.

Book a meeting!

Email us at marketing@beenius.tv or at office.usa@beenius.tv and make an appointment. Don’t hesitate, book today!

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