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The US Hispanic population is fairly diverse based on home country, length of time and number of generations in the US, age, geographic disparity, and family-makeup differences. Meanwhile, 62% of Hispanic consumers today are born in the US; their behaviours and consumption patterns vary significantly from those born outside the US. (PWC research Always connected 2016)

Understanding customer’s behaviour empowers operator to become Viewers’ First Choice!

According to the PWC Hispanic consumers represent a mobile-first community with engagement levels that far exceed those of the population at large. They are using their phones more often, for more reasons—most notably, to stream content.

The 90% of Hispanic consumers stream video on either a smartphone or tablet. Hispanic consumers are also far more likely to view video on mobile device(s) more often than their non-Hispanic counterparts.

The average Hispanic consumer spends more than 26 hours per month watching video online/on their smartphone—7 hours more than the US average. And they are significantly more likely to stream video on-the-go every day, including user-generated videos and TV shows.

PWC Research http://www.pwc.com/us/en/industry/entertainment-media/publications/consumer-intelligence-series/hispanics.html
PWC Research http://www.pwc.com/us/en/industry/entertainment-media/publications/consumer-intelligence-series/hispanics.html

Hispanic consumers use and share their smartphones to watch videos because it’s a more cost-effective option than a cable subscription.

Across the board, regardless of age or ethnicity, prohibitive costs are the primary reason consumers do not subscribe to pay-TV. Younger consumers, meanwhile, are satisfied with the abundance of content available elsewhere.

For those who previously subscribed but have since cut the cord, customized packages of channels of their choice represent the most persuasive reason for consumers 35 and older (both Hispanic and non-Hispanic) to re-subscribe, while younger cordcutters (18-34)—both Hispanic and non-Hispanic— would be motivated by an all-in-one option that includes TV subscription, streaming service, and premium TV.

Ultimately, top motivators for re-subscribing to pay-TV go hand-in-hand with why consumers don’t currently subscribe:


PWC Research http://www.pwc.com/us/en/industry/entertainment-media/publications/consumer-intelligence-series/hispanics.html
PWC Research http://www.pwc.com/us/en/industry/entertainment-media/publications/consumer-intelligence-series/hispanics.html

As subscriptions to streaming video on demand (SVOD) continue to climb, Hispanic consumers are at the forefront: 90% of our survey respondents have used at least one service.

For operators is essential to understand the end-customers, their behaviour, and their needs, demands in order to become Viewers’ First Choice. Beenius Team can assist you with the vast knowledge of the IPTV/OTT and hybrid solutions and is able to offer consulting services with E2E solutions, expertise in designing, integrating, building and maintaining turnkey solutions.

Get in touch with Beenius representative today and become Viewers’ First Choice.

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