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There is nothing more awkward than a difficult silence during a conversation and for most of us final resort is to the topic about the weather. Oscar Wilde supposedly said, “Conversation about weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative,” and at least since then, weather has suffered a bad reputation. We are not aware how can weather control our lives, where we live, what we do, what we wear, what we eat and where we go on vacation. Luckily with the popularity of the Internet and smartphones, today we can easily obtain weather information and forecasts from different sources for free at any given moment.

Does the weather have an affect on your decision where to go on vacation or business trip? In many cases weather is not the most important part of the trip, but is always nice if there is no clouds in the sky. What we suggest for the end of this summer is trip to Amsterdam, either for your vacation or better as a business trip, Amsterdam in that time offers plenty to do around the city. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t even have to leave Amsterdam to see a little piece of Dutch heritage up close. Like most things in a multidimensional city, everything is literally at your doorstep or just a short bike ride away. One thing is certain, the weather in Amsterdam in September can change in a few moments several times per day. If you would need to hide from the rain, you can visit Cloud gallery or stop by at 14.C30 and do some business.

Cloudy or blue sky, stay tuned for Beenius news and check why you should visits Amsterdam this September. And of course, don’t let the clouds spoil you vacation or planed business trip.

See you soon!

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