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Iskon Internet (Croatia)

Iskon Internet telecom is a provider of new generation telecommunication services based on broadband. On the market, they offer broadband services, customized by prices and quality, as well as users demands. Today, Iskon operates as an independent company 100% owned by T-HT.


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Recommendation Engine


Android TV
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Linux STB

In 2015 when Iskon first started cooperating with Beenius, Iskon was the first provider in Croatia with social media services integrated into the IPTV platform. Beenius services such as digital TV, video on demand, network-based recording, time-shift TV, caller ID, and others offer a completely new user TV experience. It was also the first Beenius customer to use its SDK to deliver YouTube and Facebook service seamlessly integrated into the TV GUI. Iskon, one of Europe’s pioneers in multiscreen service presentations on the market, has developed a stylish TV application for the iPhone/iPad using the Beenius OpenAPI.

In 2017 Iskon featured a new set-top box UI from Beenius integrated with the ThinkAnalytics recommendations Engine. Beenius Recommendation Dashboard enabled the viewers a sophisticated search, marking the official end of TV channel surfing. After that, ThinkAnalytics confirmed the deployment of its personalized content discovery upon Deutsche Telekom‘s pay-TV and OTT platforms.

In 2021 Beenius introduced Android TV Operator Tier solution for OTT with enhanced personalization with Think Analytics. During the entire period of cooperation, Beenius provided updates to the existing ecosystem and required extensions on all elements of the IPTV ecosystem. Also, introducing local requirements and new functionalities helped Iskon keep stable growth and competitive position on the market to this day.

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Beenius is our long lasting partner and we are working together since the beginning of Iskon TV. Our cooperation is successful since the day one, which is why we decided to joined forces with Beenius also for the project of offering viewers new ways of watching TV. We decided for Recommendation Dashboard as we strive to offer novelties and advanced TV services to Croatian market. We always challenge ourselves to offer our viewers simple, transparent, smart and personal viewing that grew from linear TV to advanced TV viewing. We are looking forward to work together with Beenius on the projects that will yet to come.

2017 – Krešimir Madunović, CEO at Iskon Internet

The simplest way to identify needs is by listening to your customers and those who have given up on taking services while reviewing available commercial offers. When we overlap those needs with technological innovations and trends, we come to the optimal solution. This is how we detected the increased desire of users who want to connect their TV box wirelessly in any room, who want to choose TV channels they will activate and pay for, choose a TV service regardless of the telecom operator they have at home. The timing was perfect after Google opened its system through the Android TV Operator Tier model and enabled significantly more advanced consumption of TV and other video content. Iskon.Play TV as our new service has been given the opportunity to meet customer needs by combining the latest Google services available.

2022 – Krešimir Madunović, CEO at Iskon Internet

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