The future of advertising

The Future Of Advertising Is Programmatic

According to Mr. Simon Struna, Programmatic ecosystem specialist, iPROM, advertisers are facing increasingly digital future in which they will try to capture valuable seconds of consumers’ attention; primarily through technology.

Television that follows the viewer

Classic TV advertising is slowly declining as it is being replaced by programmatic TV ads lease on new technology platforms. Different studies deliver different numbers and values of the advertising dollars for the digital TV market. In the United States, for example, advertising on digital platforms accounted to around $ 50 billion in 2017 and by 2022, according to […]

OTT is becoming the next advertising superpower

The biggest piece of the advertising cake goes to the television. The share of television advertising has never seemed threatened as it has grown steadily over the past decades. But there is a serious rival on the horizon which can guarantee the same and even better content and deliver it to the user at any […]

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OTT the evolution of traditional televison

There are a number of factors that have created a favourable ecosystem for OTT services to flourish. On one hand, of course, there is the technology – without broadband, there would be no streaming video services. The habits of younger generations of consumers who do not want to follow the linear television program but want […]