FOM: Advanced Messaging

Feature of the Month: Advanced Messaging

This month, we put emphasize on another compelling component of the Beenius Interactive TV Platform, supporting IPTV, OTT & Hybrid: Advanced Messaging. Read more at Beenius news.

OCR subtitling

OCR Subtitling by Edgeware

The deployment of the Edgeware’s OCR subtitling solution and Beenius cooperation presents an added value for operators offering a Multilanguage selection on client applications. Read latest Beenius news!

content as a service

Beenius Content as a Service

Operators are struggling with troublesome content integration issues when all they want and should do is provide premium content to their viewers at anytime, anyplace on any device? 
What about the upgrade of their OTT solution with enjoyable content delivered to the viewers by the content owner? 
Read Beenius latest news regarding content as a service solution!

Beenius news: FOM Multitenancy

Feature of the Month: Multitenancy

This month, we put emphasize on another compelling component of the Beenius Interactive TV Platform, supporting IPTV, OTT & Hybrid: Multitenancy.

Understand your subscribers News

Do you really understand your subscribers?

As the TV market gets saturated with various offers and promotions, big amount of content tailored to the viewers’ needs and availability on various devices, the churn rate keeps on growing.

The question that logically follows is, Do OTT providers really know and care about their subscribers?

OTT as a Strategy

Approaching OTT as a Strategy

Nowadays Operators’ challenges Operators nowadays are facing many challenges, the biggest one being the churn rate.  The question imposes, what churn rate can they expect

TV and Video Scenery by 2030

TV and Video Scenery by 2030

The current TV and video market are going through a period of vast change. In this report, some trends have been reliably identified as strong ones that will continue long into the future, while other patterns have huge uncertainties surrounding their ability to continue. Four separate scenarios for the future landscape of the TV and video world have been modeled, from the rise of the creators to the revenge of national broadcasters. Read Beenius latest blog and learn more.

The future of OTT

The Future of OTT

Consumers are getting new and exciting ways of tuning in to their favorite video content across different categories ranging from sports, movies, news, and to much more. Undoubtedly, the unprecedented growth in technology has made sure that content viewing does not remain as it has been conventionally. Read Beenius post on the future of OTT for more insights about the topic.