Platform 8

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Meet Stefan Niesen at convergence India 2018

The exhibition demonstrating the convergence of technologies in Telecom, IT, Broadcast and Digital media sectors, will be held from 7 – 9 March in New Delhi. Are you looking for an Interactive TV Platform? Book a meeting ahead and meet with our VP Sales, Stefan Niesen, in India!

Creating infinite synergies with Beenius platform 8 – leaflet

Beenius presents new leaflet, Beenius Platform 8! Fill in the form on your right side & download the leaflet -> Learn about Beenius’ Platform 8 novelties, relevant for operators and service providers that are looking to grow in the field of: Security, Personalization, Monetization, Coherency, Recommendation, Operators growth, Coherency and Trustworthiness towards the viewers; Beenius’ Platform 8 […]

Creating infinite synergies with Beenius platform 8

With Beenius Platform 8 we are forming synergies between 8 different segments that are representing Beenius Platform 8: Trustworthiness, Coherency, Security, Personalization, Simplicity, Recommendation, Monetization and Growth. Each segment embodies value-added features and present advantages for TV operators to become Viewers’ First Choice.