
YouTube TV

YouTube TV Price Jumps Up

When YouTube TV first burst onto the scene, it was a welcomed alternative to traditional cable models. Providing much of the same service for a very appealing price, it is no wonder so many people decided to switch over to the service.
However, since April 2019 Youtube TV increased the price for their offering twice, because of expanding their portfolio of available TV Channels. Read all about it in Beenius latest artile.

TV and Video Scenery by 2030

TV and Video Scenery by 2030

The current TV and video market are going through a period of vast change. In this report, some trends have been reliably identified as strong ones that will continue long into the future, while other patterns have huge uncertainties surrounding their ability to continue. Four separate scenarios for the future landscape of the TV and video world have been modeled, from the rise of the creators to the revenge of national broadcasters. Read Beenius latest blog and learn more.

Streaming in time of COVID-19

Streaming in Times of COVID-19

The world has become more digitally connected than ever before. TV consumption has become a perfect solution to the isolation that people have to go through because of the Coronavirus. This global trend has led to unprecedented growth in online streaming platforms like Netflix and YouTube. Read more…