
Streaming in time of COVID-19

Streaming in Times of COVID-19

The world has become more digitally connected than ever before. TV consumption has become a perfect solution to the isolation that people have to go through because of the Coronavirus. This global trend has led to unprecedented growth in online streaming platforms like Netflix and YouTube. Read more…

YouTube is the golden goose of Google

No longer a secret, YouTube is the golden goose of Google

It has been more than a decade since Google acquired Youtube. Also, it has been more than a decade since Google revealed the revenues generated from Youtube. Robust growth, revenues, numbers… Read all about it in our new blog post. “No longer a secret, Youtube is the golden goose of Google.”

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Sony Bravia TVS to lose Youtube access

Sony Bravia smart TV sets made in 2012 will no longer be able to show YouTube videos after 30. september, reported BBC news. The devices will not be capable of displaying videos from the site thanks to changes made by YouTube to the way it handles uploads. In a statement posted to its customer support […]

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Behavior on mobile is different

What has Netflix to say about watching video on mobile devices – any differentiations between first and second screen? The end of February was full of news from Mobile World Congress. For us the very important information was from Scott Meyer, VP of the Netflix’s device partner ecosystem, that most of their users are still […]

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What now for TV operators?

While the whole Interactive TV industry is still buzzing about “cord cutters”, recent research by Forester tells us that “cord nevers” are the group we should concentrate on. The research suggest that 18% of the US population has never signed up for cable comparing to 6% that has cut the cord. By 2025, 50% of […]

Beenius TV - YouTube channel

Visit Beenius’s Youtube channel

Beenius has its own YouTube Channel which includes videos on Beesmart hints (Sneak a peek) and videos from events. We hope you’ll find a video for yourself to enjoy.