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Are you going to IBC 2014?

Are you planning to visit IBC this year? If yes, stay with us, and you will soon find useful information regarding Beenius and IBC event in Amsterdam, from 12 – 16 September.

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Our new technology partner – SDMC

SDMC is Beenius’s newest partner among STB vendors. SDMC was founded 2003 and will provide new Android-based set-top boxes on which will the Beesmart Android client application runs smoothly.

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ABTA 2014

If you have missed Brazil in the time of World Cup, do not hesitate and come to Sao Paulo for the ABTA Expo and Conference of 2014, which will take place from 5th to 7th August! Beenius will be there presenting Beesmart by Beenius – Interactive TV middleware!

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Interactive TV advertising – The shift to second screens

Beenius presents a White Paper on Interactive TV Advertising. Download full version and get to know more about Interactive TV Advertising – The Shift to Second Screens. TV is still the first choice for advertisers to reach their target groups of audiences and to build brand awareness. Its audio-visual format is especially suitable for creating […]