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What to see at NAB show 2014?

Beenius offers solutions for every project. If your clients are looking for an interactive experience, not only in front of the TV, but also with a second screen, our Beesmart middleware can provide the tools for extensive upgrades and prompt customizations in a cost-effective manner.

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Partners gave a statement video

Beenius’s technology and sales partners gave statements at this year’s TV Connect in London. Beenius team visited Infomir, Gigabyte, and Garland Partners Ltd stands.

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Vestel and Beenius cooperation at TV Connect 2014

Beenius middleware was present at many stands around TV Connect. Our technology partners showcased their products, mostly set-top boxes, with our versatile TV platform. See what Beenius partner Vestel has to say…

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Going with the new solutions – Infomir and Beenius

Our partner Infomir, posted an article about their new solution with our Beesmart Interactive TV middleware. You can visit Beenius’s and Infomir’s stands and see popular MAG series set-top boxes how are completely compatible with the Beenius Middleware.