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Our partner Infomir, posted an article about their new solution with our Beesmart Interactive TV middleware. You can visit Beenius’s and Infomir’s stands and see popular MAG series set-top boxes how are completely compatible with the Beenius Middleware.






Within the London TV Connect 2014 framework Infomir is going to represent the new Middleware by Beenius. There will be a separate brand zone to demonstrate Beesmart Interactive TV Middleware so that all the persons interested had a chance to come up and test the product.


Infomir’s MAG STB – certified with Beesmart middleware

Join us at TV Connect – find the red&black combination at stands No. 161 (Beenius) and No. 79 (Infomir).

Join the debate on LinkedIn.

Read the whole article at Infomir’s website.

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