
POM- Edgeware

CDN and Video Delivery provided by Edgeware

In today’s article, we put emphasis on the video delivery solutions for content providers and network service providers, offered by Beenius partner – Edgeware.

Irdeto- partner of the month

Content security provided by Irdeto

In today’s article, we put emphasis on the security component of our ecosystem, provided by Irdeto. Read the latest Beenius article.

Castoola Partner of the month

Targeted TV Advertising provided by Castoola

This month we emphasize the Targeted TV Advertising component of our ecosystem, provided by Castoola. Read more about Beenius and Castoola cooperation in the latest “Partner of the Month” News.

CDN and Video Delivery

CDN & video delivery provided by Broadpeak

In today’s article, we put emphasis on the video delivery components for content providers and network service providers deploying IPTV, Cable,OTT, Mobile and Satellite services, provided by Broadpeak.

Bitmovin - Video Player

Video Player, provided by Bitmovin

Bitmovin is a strategic partner of Beenius since 2018, and we work closely on mutual projects over the years. Read more about the Bitmovin video player component and how it is incorporated into Beenius ecosystem in today’s News.