
Beenius Advertising Video

Sneak Peek Video – Beenius’ Advertising Feature

In this sneak peek video, we present the latest novelties and advantages of the Advertising feature that the Beenius Interactive TV Platform enables. We present the best Ad Placements for Beenius Mobila app, Beenius Android TV and Beenius Web App​ offered to operators. Watch the video!

Beenius en Andina Link 2020

Beenius en Andina Link 2020

Beenius participará con su socio TVC en ANDINA LINK 2020 en el stand #48 de la SCTE, el evento se llevara acabo en Cartagena, Colombia, del 3 al 5 de marzo.

Beenius at CABSAT Dubai 2020

Beenius at CABSAT Dubai 2020

Beenius will attend CABSAT 2020 end of March. Book meeting with our sales representative Jure Žlak and schedule one on one Beenius demonstration.

You need a Media Systems Integrator. Now!

This short video explains how important is to work with a System integrator and why the cooperation with value added partners, is crucial for operators today.