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Beenius DVB hybrid solution on Android STB

The Beenius Interactive TV Platform presents Beenius DVB Hybrid Solution on Android STB Video. The Beenius Platform in the hybrid setup for IPTV, OTT, DVB-C/S/T supports local autonomy as a recovery mode of operation and is implemented on Android-based STBs. If you want to learn more about Beenius DVB Hybrid solution on Android, book a […]

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Beenius recommendation dashboard

The Beenius Interactive TV Platform presents Beenius Recommendation Dashboard on the Linux STB Application. It is made based on the content oriented TV approach, enabling viewers to have the best TV experience and operators to benefit from lower churn rate. The recommendation dashboard helps viewers find personalized content, and at the same time boosts content […]

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Thank you for visiting us @IBC2016

The IBC2016 exhibition has come to an end with a great success by any measure. “IBC really is the only forum that attracts a global audience, the most comprehensive exhibition, and the best thought-leaders.” said Michael Crimp, CEO of IBC. But IBC is also about bringing people together, to share knowledge and to do business. Beenius […]

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Beenius on Discovery channel

Beenius – Interactive TV Platform | NewsWatch Review from NewsWatch Television on Vimeo. NewsWatch is a trusted source for breaking consumer, technology, travel, health, and entertainment news. They air on the Discovery Channel and ION Network. NewsWatch programe has scheduled the airings about Beenius as part of their Tech News & Product Review show on The Discovery Channel. The […]

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Beenius DVB-C and OTT hybrid solution on Android STB

The Beenius Interactive TV Platform presents Beenius DVB-C Hybrid Solution on Android STB Video The Beenius Platform in the hybrid setup IPTV/OTT/DVB-C supports local autonomy as a recovery mode of operation and is implemented on Android-based STBs and Linux-based STBs. Watch Beenius Platform in hybrid setup IPTV/OTT/DVB-C/T also on Linux-based STBs at Beenius YouTube.

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Unboxing Philips Android TV

Beenius Unboxing Philips 6500er Series powered by Android TV with Beenius Android TV App. Beenius Android TV Application enables service providers and operators to offer STB-less TV experience with all the interactivity that STBs offer and more to their viewers.. Contact Beenius representative today for best TV experience of tomorrow! © 2015 Google Inc. […]

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How to collect, manage and monatize big data – advanced television roundtable

The CEO of Beenius Mr. Filip Remškar was invited to participate at Advanced Television Roundtable in London to discuss Bid Data. What is Big Data, how is it collected, how can it be managed and how will it deliver monetization? These are all the questions answered by top five representatives of the Interactive TV world. To […]

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Beenius workshop and social gathering in Adriatic region 2015

Beenius was hosting the Workshop and Social Gathering of Adriatic Region in November 2015. The workshop was a full-day event, hosted in Ljubljana and our goal was to bring together Beenius partners and show case the success stories of 2015 and introduce the audience with the vision of IPTV market for 2016. Follow the link to […]