Antonio Torres Interview

Who are you? Which regions are you covering?

My name is Antonio Torres. I am the Pre-sales engineer from Beenius, offering technical support in Brazil.

What are the industry specifics in Brazil?

Brazil is a unique market; the largest country in LATAM and the only one where Portuguese is spoken instead of Spanish, which immediately differentiates it from the rest of the continent. Due to its size, it also has a great diversity of regional cultures and habits.

The market has traditionally been controlled by prominent broadcasters, which hold the content, and by a few large and traditional companies dominate its distribution. For new market entrants these are the first challenges.

The number of pay-TV subscribers in Brazil has multiplied in recent years, showing its potential due to the vast population. However, it is essential to highlight that this growth did not occur in the traditional market: the traditional market is shrinking.

The increase is due to the arrival of new small regional operators and the uncontrolled growth in illegal operations.

How 2021 will evolve in the industry?

I think we will see more growth in 2021 across the industry, particularly in OTT. 

After more than a year of restrictions caused by Covid, consumers understand the benefits of the new technology and are gradually accepting these new options. 

In the current post-epidemic context, the infrastructure of the Brazilian market will also be significantly developed and improved to adapt to the latest trends and consumer needs. And for the leading market players, the transition from traditional pay-TV to streaming will continue with strong growth. 

Meanwhile, provider associations and regulatory authorities have also begun to provide legal support for this transition process, changing or updating relevant laws and regulations.

What will be the growth points of TV subscribers in 2021 for operators in Brazil? What kind of role the Beenius' products can play in that?

New features and better content presentation are the keys to attracting more TV subscribers. 

Cost reduction is also an essential point. Operators need to find a way to reduce deployment costs, so they have more capacity to purchase content. 

For smaller operators, forming collaborative groups and sharing physical infrastructure costs would be a good choice. 

Beenius Interactive TV Platform meets all these requirements. It’s flexible, scalable, and capable of serving everything from small collaborative groups to operations with several hundred thousand subscribers. 

What is the development dilemma of operators in Brazil in 2021? How could we help them with our products?

The dilemma for new operators in Brazil is selecting the right platform. 

It isn’t easy to find transparent technology providers who explain in detail how their platform works and are committed to tailoring them to the different requirements of different operators. 

Operators and ISPs are confused about what they need to start an operation and what they need to expand it. They usually invest a lot in something not suitable or unable to keep up with the operation’s growth. 

The Beenius Interactive TV platform can manage the entire lifecycle of IPTV / OTT content, from ingestion to storage, from delivery to monetization, with speed and scalability. Throughout the whole project, we also provide consulting services and professional training to resolve the particularities found in the platform’s launch, operation, and growth. 

How did Covid –19 affect the industry?

Covid-19 created a sudden demand for telecommunications infrastructure, forcing companies and ISPs to adapt and invest in expanding their infrastructure. At the same time, it caused a change in the consumption habits of potential pay-TV customers. 

This change of habit of potential consumers created a demand for new TV operations. Content and media companies, along with ISPs, are taking advantage of this opportunity and starting or planning new pay-TV processes. 

It is a good situation for the market, where small operations are creating healthy competition and market growth.

Are you bringing something new to the market in 2021?

As a professional consultant, I will continue to help operators understand and adapt to new market realities and create business models and strategies, especially smaller operators, promoting their cooperation and growth to reduce ineffective competition and unnecessary friction. 

Anything you would add to share?

The pay-TV market has changed and continues to change. It turned into a highly dynamic market. Continuous collaboration between technology providers and operators has become the necessity for success. 

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