Who are you? What is your role in Beenius?

My name is Ernest Staric. I am a Pre-sales engineer collaborating with the sales by acting as technical expert and advisor providing Beenius only or end-to-end solutions to our customers.

How 2021 will evolve in the industry?

As in almost all fields of our lives, especially in the telecommunications business, we will continue to experience “Better, Faster, Higher.” I mean, Better in terms of improved quality of experience, video codec types, efficiency, statistics, and analytics. Faster in terms of low delay video delivery, more immediate applications. And Higher in terms of higher video resolution (4K & 8K) and higher quality demands from customers/users.

Of course, these three terms can also be mirrored in other aspects of the Video Delivery ecosystem. Like better information of user behavior, better user segmentation for targeted advertising and content recommendation, viewing content also when the internet is not available (download and go), and so on.

What will be the growth points of TV subscribers in 2021 for operators? What kind of role the Beenius' products can play in that?

The most important for operators is to deliver feature-rich service in excellent quality with relevant content.

I believe content is the king, and the ecosystem which delivers it is only a tool for users to get their content. When we speak about the content, I am not only thinking about premium content from big international players like Premier league, HBO or Netflix, but also the content from local production.

As per the statement above, operators are vital to know their user behavior, interests, and user experience. This can be achieved by measuring and analyzing user behavior in terms of content consumption and quality of experience.

What is the development dilemma of operators in 2021? How could we help them with our products?

Excellent question without an easy answer! I think there are two basic differentiations about development dilemmas – Commercial and Technical.

The commercial dilemma for traditional and greenfield deployments is to decide which services should be included and what business case to choose to be successful. Should the business start or continue in a conventional approach with creating subscription packages, should advertising be included to leverage additional income or focus on promoting its solution and thus attracting additional subscriptions, and so on.

The technical dilemma is how the solution should be built to be future-proof, to have a good quality of experience to fulfill commercial targets, and not create an overpriced solution that will not be commercially successful.

Beenius system supports all business models. Traditional or new, IPTV, OTT and DVB Hybrid, all can be deployed on-prem on private or public cloud, be built as a multitenant solution, and leverage additional financial leverage incomes from advertising solutions through client-side or server-side ad insertion.

The only thing where, in the majority of cases, there is no dilemma is to build systems in OTT as a strategy.

We are here to tailor Beenius only or E2E solutions for our customers as per their needs and capabilities.

How did Covid –19 affect the industry?

Covid-19 affected the industry in several ways. First, it was a growth of demand in terms of enlarging the number of subscribers and traffic, which forced operators to improve rapidly and broaden the capabilities of their systems. Then there was a need to adopt remote work – both subscribers and employees, which led to overall service adaptation. Later it forced all of us to do some housekeeping and adapt to the current situation.

Overall, I think Covid was not influencing business in a really bad way since it forced all of us to do some housekeeping, rapid adaptation, and think about the future, which will help us adapt to new challenges.

Are you bringing something new to the market in 2021?

2020 has been a year of significant investment for Beenius. We have rolled out an entirely new client application line with a long list of new added-value features. We enhanced our backend and are now offering it as a managed solution hosted in the AWS cloud.

Anything you would add to share?

Content and user are the kings. Content can be reached locally and through content providers, while subscriber behavior can be gathered only from your E2E system (backend, applications, player, CDN). Collecting and analyzing user data gives you the power to know your subscribers, increase their loyalty, overall customer satisfaction and enable additional incomes from targeted advertising.

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