Who are you? What is your role in Beenius?

My name is Runrun Ji. I am working on marketing and sales development in Beenius.

As a marketer, what is the bottleneck of your work? And how would you face it?

I would say generating high-quality leads is absolutely a tough nut to crack. Probably not only for me but for the whole B2B market. And we can see from many published surveys that this key pain point is unlikely to be less complicated in the near future.

Currently, my team and I would align the customer journey and draw up a more targeted and personalized marketing strategy. However, whether it is building out detailed account-based personas and scenarios, integrating contextual data from rich resources, or orchestrating a truly resonant outreach, each step requires a lot of workforce and technical support.

In the context of content overload, do you still value content marketing as an important marketing method?

For sure, content marketing is always an excellent way to improve brand awareness until the technology is fully developed to eliminate the information barriers between buyers and sellers. But to attract readers already overwhelmed with all the information, it is crucial for us to provide them with something valuable and develop a customer-centric mindset. Again, this requires us to position our products precisely and draw customers’ profiles detailly. And we have to jump out of the trap of fast updating speed and tons of content creation. Less is more. 

How did COVID–19 affect the B2B marketing?

The pandemic made us start a new way of life — working from home. Internally, the approval process is inevitably being longer, especially for those companies that outsource their marketing activities to agencies. And we have to allocate more budget on social platforms and digital tools to carry out online events and campaigns, such as LinkedIn and Zoom. We can also foresee it may take a longer time to show the ROI of the marketing campaigns since the decision-makers would be more prudent to invest under the tight global economic environment.

How should B2B marketing adapt to the post-pandemic era?

There have been many discussions that COVID is forcing enterprises, especially the marketing and sales departments, to go digital. But for marketers, especially the marketers in B2B companies, digitalization is not a new thing. The pandemic has just awakened unresponsive people to the importance and urgency of digital transformation. And it is time for us to embrace marketing – automation and customer data integration, those disruptive technologies to optimize our existing processes.

But we have to be careful that we should manage this transformation by propelling humanity in tech, not replacing humanity with tech. Face-to-face communication is still an irreplaceable way to stay relevant, interact with current and prospective clients.

Anything you would add to share?

I believe if we can handle such a situation effectively, disruptions can be fertile ground for marketing and sales innovation. And Beenius will navigate both online and offline marketing, flexibly providing useful content and service to customers.

At present, Beenius is fully active on the LinkedIn platform. Follow us and surf our main page to get what you need!

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