Who are you? What’s your role in Beenius?

My name is Teuta Hana Hajdari. I am a mother, a wife and a marketing enthusiast. I am currently working as Marketing Manager in Beenius.

How do you see Trade Shows/Events as part of a B2B marketing strategy?

Joining trade shows or events is a crucial segment of the marketing strategy, especially for B2B businesses in our industry. People value more on face -to-face demonstrations and discussions. Although the pre-investment cost of joining one trade show is relatively higher than other marketing channels, its efficiency could beat all with a landslide victory. It is hard to achieve the possibility of building many relationships in such a short period through other marketing channels. 

For those new exhibitors, participating in some specific industry shows is a sharp weapon for them to penetrate new markets. Trade shows offer a unique and exclusive setting that brings together many decision-makers at the same location. Exhibitors could get great exposure and brand awareness and speed up the sales cycle. The veterans also see trade shows as the best way to deepen cooperation and catch themselves up with new industry trends.

How do we achieve Trade Show Marketing success?

I believe that what you do before a trade show matters the most. Like we always said, a beard well lathered is half shaved.

After we decide to attend one trade show, we need immediately to consider the booth selection: the size and the location. As your budget allows, choose something open and inviting and design a booth that stands out and conveys a concise message. Besides that, the relevant social media content and the promotional materials should also fit the target customers and the markets you defined for the show.

Of course, teamwork during the show and post-show follow-ups are also important. And having highly qualified representatives with good energy helps.

Welcome to Beenius’ booth to see what I am talking about.

Do you have any suggestions on making a wise choice among these various events in the industry?

When selecting which industry events to attend, always align with the company’s business development and sales strategy. How do you position your company in the industry? What are the goals for attending one event? When these questions settle down and you have a clear mind about what you want to achieve, the next step is to check if the events’ location and potential audiences will contribute to accomplishing your objectives. Market location and attendees’ profiles are the most important parameters to evaluate.

And it is not a bad idea to participate in various events in a flexible manner. It doesn’t have to be an exhibitor. You could even do some tries as an audience/attendee, especially when the budget is tight.

What’s your attitude about virtual events?

The global pandemic that affected us all led to an unprecedented b(l)oom of virtual events and webinars, and they served their purpose. I personally am not a huge fan of them as I favor face-to-face interaction, but I adjusted my likings and embraced virtual events as a mandatory marketing strategy tool.

Anything you would add to share?

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