Ateme - Partner of the Month

In today’s article, we put emphasis on the CDN and Video Delivery component of our ecosystem, provided by ATEME.

ATEME enables content owners and service providers to captivate their audiences with OTT/streaming solutions that transform video delivery, enabling you to reduce churn and unleash monetization potential.

ATEME’s solutions include multi-codec encoding, any-format packaging, scalable cloud DVR, content-aware CDN, and revenue-generating DAI solutions that enhance the audience experience, increase the value of your services, and facilitate growth.

Here are some of the benefits that ATEME’s customers enjoy:

Increase viewers’ quality of experience

The quality of your viewers’ experience depends on three things:

  • The images
  • The sound
  • How long they must wait to receive the signals.

ATEME’s highly efficient encoders mean that viewers get the best-quality images. ATEME has also worked with Dolby to deliver surround-sound experiences.

Beyond that, ATEME enables a broadcast-level experience in terms of latency, while also cutting rebuffering.

Reduce capex

ATEME’s OTT solutions are easily scalable, so you can start small and increase your infrastructure as your audience grows.

ATEME’s elastic CDN solution means you can temporarily scale up for peak events, so you don’t need to build in over capacity.

Reduce operational costs

ATEME’s efficient transcoders mean you get the best-quality images at the most efficient bitrate, reducing processing costs.

Its Just-In-Time, pull-mode packaging means you only need to package content if it is actually requested by a viewer – again reducing processing costs.

ATEME also offers a cost-effective and easily scalable way of storing recordings for Cloud DVR known as “Embedded Distributed Storage” (EDS), which halves the need for rack space.

Reduce go-to-market lead times

ATEME provides a pre-integrated, pre-tested end-to-end video-delivery solution (from encoders to CDN). This means you slash integration and testing time (and costs) and get to market more quickly.

Future-proof your platform

With ATEME’s pre-integrated and pre-tested end-to-end solution, you know not only that the different components work together now, but that they will continue to work together to deliver end-to-end features such as low latency, 4K/HDR and dynamic ad insertion, even as they are upgraded in the future.

Go green

With ATEME’s efficient and energy-saving solutions, you reduce your carbon footprint when delivering video.

As a Media Systems Integrator, we collaborate with our strategically chosen partners that cover the video processing and delivery process from acquisition to distribution on clients’ devices.  In addition, we have all the necessary relationships with 3rd party technology vendors, plugins, modules and contacts so that operators’ time to market reduces significantly!

For any additional questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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