Content as a service - Infographics

In one of our previous news entries we wrote about the challenges that the operators are facing nowadays when it comes to providing premium content to their viewers. In addition, we bring you a graphic presentation of the solution that Beenius offer on the matter.

Fresh video content is available to the viewers on almost daily basis which means more copyrights, legal and distribution agreements for the operators. On the other hand, we have the viewers that are becoming more informed with each day and are carefully choosing the content they consume.  All this represents additional challenge for the operators, as they need to carefully choose the right content or in other words, try not to miss offering the right content to their viewers.

With the Beenius Interactive TV Platform, operators can now avoid troublesome content integration issues. The Beenius Interactive TV Platform enables operators to add thousands of most viewed content to the platform without the operational costs! They do not need to worry about downloading, processing, or transcoding to ABR anymore.

To learn more and get useful information on how the above can be applied to your project, contact us.

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