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According to the report, The development of the European market for on-demand audiovisual services prepared by European Audiovisual Observatory in March 2015 the genres of VoD service which are the most established in EU countries are VoD Film services (41% of the total of VoD services), VoD TV fiction (13%) and VoD Generalist (11%).


Service providers today have the opportunity to offer various VOD libraries through which they broaden their offer and maximizes viewer’s experience. The viewers are demanding an interactive TV technology that allows them to view program in real time or download programs and view them later, at any time and everywhere. Viewers are expecting a consistent UI experience over multiple VOD content sources and Beenius Interactive TV Platform offers just that.

The Beenius Interactive TV Platform supports what service providers require, the packages with various content preferred by genre, from VoD films, VoD TV fiction to Vod Music or VoD documentary, all on the same platform. With extra add-on subscriptions and movie categories operator can recommend multiple VOD libraries. Operator by managing pricing policy creates his own selling rules directly on the Beenius platform. With different subscriptions, content bundles and rental periods, content can be offered to different viewers, according to the market needs and region specifics.

For more information about The Beenius Interactive TV Platform or VOD libraries, please contact Beenius Representative.

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