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Speakers at the opening session of the National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA), said that cable industry can no longer be separated from the Internet when it comes to content.

TV users don’t really distinguish between two platforms, and therefore content companies shouldn’t try to control where their content gets distributed because ultimately it will be on multiple screens.

Social TV is everywhere …

Twitter sees itself as a complementary service to cable TV. It helps drive discovery on cable because a large percentage of tweets are about television, particularly live television. For that, users are mostly using second screen device (at least 86%) but cable and IP middleware offers a Social TV experience.

Open session at NCTA show also included some stats, such as: fact that 85 percent of households today have access to broadband speeds of 100 Mbps, thanks to continued innovation by the cable industry.

DON’T FORGET | Operators, read our new technical White Paper about Cable solution with Beesmart with all Social TV applications.

Source for this blog FierceCable.

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