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Source: digiday.com

Competition forces innovation and innovation is changing the world!

The numbers Facebook released this week are showing that they are very serious about the video business. 8 billion views per day made from 800 million viewers is twice as much as half a year ago and eight times the amount of one year ago. And to add to that, about 1 out of every 7 human beings checks into Facebook each day. Staggering!

Behind this numbers there are many changes Facebook did this year in their pursuit of delivering the best possible content. Public figures can broadcast their videos live and content creators can upload interactive 360-degree videos to the platform just to name a couple. But the biggest ones are coming next; a video-only feed within its mobile app and a way to shrink the video while scrolling through the News Feed. Sounds YouTubeish, right? Facebook will even start giving content creators a cut, as they realized that the best content will never arrive without compensation.

Company has definitely recognized video as the most engaging content available online and is trying to build the best place to watch and share videos. They have set their self a goal to transform Facebook from a social network as it is today into a video-first platform that is a one-stop-shop for online communication, news, entertainment, and all variety of other web content that gets shared on the internet. AS Mark Zuckerberg said, “The amount people want to share and create is boundless.”

We have just posted our first direct video to Facebook and are eager to see if it will perform better than on YouTube. What do you think?

Is Facebook becoming a true competitor to YouTube? Can it take the lead in video sharing business or it will be another G+? Post your comments below, we would love to know your thoughts.

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