Android TV Demystified infographic

Beenius presents the new infographic Android TV Demystified.

For all of you who were wondering which are the most suitable Android devices for TV watching, you were questioning what is the difference between Android STB or Android TV STB or you were just looking for the complete TV solution, Beenius has the answer!

The Android TV Demystified infographics explains basic steps, processes and procedures for all TV operators who would like to offer OTT TV service on Android OS platform to their customers.

Infographic The Android TV Demystified provides you with the answers to basic questions regarding device compatibility, Google Mobile Services licensing to TV applications and Interactive TV platform deployment.

Do you know:

  • which Android devices are suitable for TV watching?
  • the difference between Android STB and Android TV STB?
  • is it possible to have YouTube application without Google Play on the Android device?
  • what do you need do to provide Android TV service?
  • how can you deploy a TV platform?
  • which are the needed steps for Device Manufacturers (OEMs)?
  • what is Beenius’ addition to a complete TV solution?

Find your answers within the infographic The Android TV Demystified or contact Beenius representative today!

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