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Q&A: CEO, Filip Remškar about Beenius participation at NAB Show and TV Connect 2016

For the past few years Beenius is participating at important industry events, from NAB Show in Las Vegas to TV Connect in London and IBC in Amsterdam. The locations and the shows are important for established presence at U.S. and Europe market and for strengthen the relationship with Beenius partners in the region.

Mr. Filip Remškar, CEO of Beenius, shares his impressions from NAB Show and TV Connect 2016.

1. How can you describe NAB Show and TV Connect 2016 and their importance for the region?

NAB Show 2016 as expected appeared to be a meeting place for Beenius clients, the new and existing ones from LATAM and NOAM region as well as technology partners. To be present as exhibitor at NAB show was important from the brand awareness and brand recognition point of view, as well as prospects, clients and partner nurturing.

At TV Connect Beenius team participated at partners stands. Our value added partners GeniatechInfomir and Vestel were successfully showcasing Beenius Unified TV solution. Once again we proved the importance of partner collaboration.

2. How productive was the NAB Show 2016 for Beenius team as exhibitor?

We believe that NAB Show is the place to be also in the future, if we want to create success stories with our clients and partners. We are preparing interesting event for  2017 so stay tuned.

3. Which new trends were shown in the U.S. and EU markets?

Beenius is a trendsetter in the IPTV industry. 3 years ago we have already talked about the importance of Android platform when no one believed it can strongly influence industry. At this year’s NAB Show we received a big confirmation from the Industry that all along the decision to invest in the Android technology was the right way to go. Today all the modules in the IPTV ecosystem are pursuing the Android technology and are incorporating the solution into their product portfolio. From STB vendors to hardware and DRM vendors to TV vendors, they are all opening towards Android Platform.

Beside the Android, this NAB Show buzz word was virtual reality. The big players are already talking about it, but we are still far-off from the implementations in everyday life.

From TV Connect throb we could say that Europe is following U.S. trends, but is not there yet, not within all the segments. But if we look at EU operators, we can see a lot of announcements of new or upgraded services on Android platform. The buzz word at the TV Connect show was definitely the recommendations and personalization. More and more operators are gaining the knowledge about the importance and benefits of implementing good recommendation system.

4. Which Beenius products gained the maximum demand and what are the differences between NAB Show and TV Connect visitors?

The U.S. market and Europe both had accepted Beenius Everywhere Collection. Although the distance between both events is vast, the maximum demand at both shows gained Beenius Android TV ApplicationBeenius Android STB Application with support for IPTV and OTT solutions, Beenius Android BeeMarket ApplicationBeenius Android Mobile Application and Beenius iOS Mobile ApplicationBeenius Android Wear.

We could say that U.S. market is mobile first oriented with focus on Android technology from Android STBs, Android TV apps, and Google cast support. Meanwhile TV Connect is still stronger with the Linux STBs. At TV Connect Beenius partners took the advantage of the market demands and presented fruitfully our joint solutions of Beenius Linux STB app.

We are looking forward to what future will bring for Beenius at this two markets, which are geographically quite faraway but in service offering quite near.

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