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More than 90% of UK population use TV set at least once a week. A half of those adult own a private smartphone and one of four owns a tablet computer.

Smartphones and tablet computers created a nation of multitaskers.

Number of those who own a tablet has doubled in the past year, rising from 11% of homes, to 24% of UK homes. The average household owns more than three types of devices with internet connection.

“The other noticeable trend is the number of people now reverting to having just one TV in their household – 41% of households in 2012 compared with 35% in 2002. In the first quarter of 2013, half (52%) of 5-15 year olds had a TV in their bedroom. This compares to seven in ten (69%) in 2007. And the proportion of UK adults viewing via the main TV set has increased from 88% in 2002 to 91% in 2012.”

Source for this blog was Communications Market Report at broadbandtvnews.com website.

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