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Watching television has changed from being traditionally social activity to slowly becoming an individual pursuit, as more television content is being watched on laptops, smartphones and tablets.

But today, 20% of OTT devices of U.S. households are connected to a big screen TV and allowing viewer to watch TV content via dedicated aps from a major streaming services, according to Nielsen research.

The fact that 53% of global consumers state they feel anxious when their mobile devices are not close at hand, two-thirds (56%) can’t imagine life without mobile devices, and 70% say their mobile device makes their life better we are facing a new trend of so-called FOMO (the fear of missing out), yes it is a legitimate phenomenon which operators need to be aware off, states Nielsen in their report.

Analyses about online video trends report that 81% of consumers watched videos longer than 10 minutes on their connected TVs, 65 % watched videos longer than 30 minutes. In 2014, viewers spent 23 % of their time on tablets watching videos of 30 to 60 minutes in length, more than on any other device. 45% of mobile videos viewed were less than 6 minutes. In warm weather, consumers watch 6x more video content on mobile devices. In cold weather, viewers watch 29 % longer.

Now that we have all the data and analysis about OTT and video watching, we can most definitely say that mobile video just hit a big milestone as mobile today accounts for more than half of all online video viewing.

So operators, have a look at Beenius Everywhere Collection and in particular to The Beenius Mobile Apps that are designed especially for today’s viewers. Beenius enables a fast content discovery, easy Fling* to Beenius powered STBs, Android TVs or Chromecast and offers fun of watching selected content on the big TV screen or on smartphones.

Enrich TV experience of your viewers in those upcoming cold winter days and become Viewers’ First Choice with Beenius products supported for IPTV and OTT setups.

If you would like to learn which is the the key to OTT success, join us at Beenius webinar, hosted by Mr. Klemen Logar, VP Sales on 9th of November 2016.

Register today for webinar and secure your place!

*to Fling:  to push the content from one device to another.  Synonyms: to Cast, to Swipe ;

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