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According to research by Nielsen, the ways how viewers access OTT applications trends to differ significantly.

Nielson compared two of the biggest OTT providers in US. Users of one of them, access content via PCs, the figure was much higher 81% in the case of the second OTT provider viewers.

Users of OTT provider 1 also tended to access the application much more via game consoles (26% vs 4%), Blu Ray (14% vs 5%), and other devices than provider 2.

We can ask ourselves, are the game consoles next second screen devices?

The research also shows that TV still dominates video viewing, “accounting for an average of 159 hours a month in Q2 this year. This compared to 6 hours 28 minutes for laptops and 5 hours 45 minutes for smartphones.

More about Nielsen reserch and source for this blog is Broadband TV News.

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