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Why you should visit Amsterdam in September

There is nothing more awkward than a difficult silence during a conversation and for most of us final resort is to the topic about the weather. Oscar Wilde supposedly said, “Conversation about weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative,” and at least since then, weather has suffered a bad reputation. We are not aware […]

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What’s been happening in 2013?

It has been quite an interesting year for Beenius. In addition to all the trade fairs where we had a booth, we were also present at fairs within the framework of Beenius’s Co-marketing Program in Russia, Spain, Germany, and the USA.

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Beenius flies to Amsterdam – the city of tulips and IBC

Beside tulip Amsterdam is also known for its annual fair IBC (International Broadcasting Convention) as the premier annual event for professionals engaged in the creation, management and delivery of entertainment and news content worldwide.

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Come to see Beenius’s stand and book a meeting

The year is around and IBC is here again and that brings along new challenges and goals. Do you want to know, how Beenius can help you to increase your subscriber base and spur your growth?

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Your FREE entry to the IBC 2013 exibition

You plan to visit this year’s IBC in Amsterdam (RAI) between 13th and 17th September 2013 and you don’t have a ticket yet? No problem! Your free ticket is waiting for you.