Beenius Mobile Applications

How is TV engaging

How is tv engaging with its viewers?

Television has become an integral part of our living rooms and it is quite difficult to imagine a world without it. Supported by technology development, focus nowadays is on the TV engaging with the viewers. Download our latest Trend Paper: “How is TV engaging with its viewers?”

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OTT makes the world go round

Watching television has changed from being traditionally social activity to slowly becoming an individual pursuit, as more television content is being watched on laptops, smartphones and tablets. But today, 20% of OTT devices of U.S. households are connected to a big screen TV and allowing viewer to watch TV content via dedicated aps from a […]

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Unified TV platform

At Beenius we believe that ideas and information must be available without any limitations. Formatting strong partnership with operators and partners is imperative as well as understanding their struggles. We help the operators to achieve their vision and become viable partner on the market. Operators want a satisfied viewers who would stay loyal to their […]

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Bundles…why not offer TV as well?!

Traditional telecommunication and cable television networks provided the first wave of bundled offers, which included triple-play services (telephony, data and pay-television services). This was followed by the emergence of quadruple-play offers, as wireless broadband networks enabled operators to add mobility to the previous services as well as a range of new services (e.g. navigation). As […]