Interactive TV Platform

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From Peru to Argentina – Beenius interactive TV platform presented to Latin America

Year: 2016 Market: OTT Product: Beenius Interactive TV Platform version 4.2 Mexican operator Gobo is a wholesale operator who is reselling service to Mexican IPSs. At Gobo they were looking for flexible middleware which would enable services across converging multi-device and multi-network environments (such as billing, technical support, performance monitoring and reporting to the subscriber) […]

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Recommendations – The very useful acquisition for OTT viewers

The operators should embrace OTT as it becomes normal everyday habit of their viewers. The internet is emerging as a sustainable way for broadcast content delivery and today Pay-TV as well as Cable operators are able to reach their audience directly by using OTT. One of the valuable benefits provided by Beenius Platform is to […]

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Unified TV platform

At Beenius we believe that ideas and information must be available without any limitations. Formatting strong partnership with operators and partners is imperative as well as understanding their struggles. We help the operators to achieve their vision and become viable partner on the market. Operators want a satisfied viewers who would stay loyal to their […]

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Fling or cast… How do you call it?

According to the Consumer Technology Association, 88% of millennials are engaged in second-screen behaviours when watching video content. While watching video content, 1/2 of online Americans surveyed said they use second screens via another device such as a smartphone or tablet to augment first screen content to access information about the content they’re viewing (50%), […]

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New Beenius version 4. 2. 4

Although the year 2015 is slowly coming to an end Beenius is not slowing down. Beenius Interactive TV platform is constantly developing and we decided to bring you up to date with the newest improvements on version 4.2. To the already supported T-commerce, mobile applications with content oriented UI, enhanced advertising and several back […]

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Beenius T-commerce support video

With Beenius’s T-Commerce feature set, the service provider can offer different content packages, and service upgrades directly on TV. User can purchase them with a remote controller. This gives operator possibilities to structure its commercial offer more effectively and at the same time enables viewers’ easier access to additional content and additional services with a […]

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Beenius and Verimatrix White Paper

Beenius presents white paper in cooperation with Verimatrix: Beenius and Verimatrix:Multi-network video delivery solution for OTT&IPTV