Linux-based STBs

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Unified TV platform

At Beenius we believe that ideas and information must be available without any limitations. Formatting strong partnership with operators and partners is imperative as well as understanding their struggles. We help the operators to achieve their vision and become viable partner on the market. Operators want a satisfied viewers who would stay loyal to their […]

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What to do with second TV set in your home?

Television dominates global media consumption, and remains by far the most popular of all media globally, attracting 183.9 minutes of consumption a day in 2014 and 179.5 minutes per day in 2015, according to analysis made by ZenitOptimedia a leading global media services network. The fact that television is staying the most popular of all […]

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Beenius DVB hybrid solution video

The Beenius Interactive TV Platform presents Beenius DVB Solution Video for hybrid environments. The Beenius Platform in the hybrid setup IPTV/OTT/DVB-C/T supports local autonomy as a recovery mode of operation and is implemented on Android-based STBs and Linux-based STBs. Watch Beenius DVB Hybrid Solution videos also in other languages at Beenius YouTube.