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96% of TV users interact using second screen devices

Not long time ago, we introduced our infographic Social TV: The Global Living Room, with a fact that 86% users communicate using second screen device while watching TV. Yesterday we received (via e-newsletter) a new research by Edelman where the title tells us all!

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We write White Papers

Beenius experts have presented six papers, including Application paper and Technical White Paper – for telco, cable, or hospitality environments – and presented Beesmart middleware.

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What happened at ANGA COM yesterday?

We hope you had a successful first day at this year’s ANGA COM in Cologne. Our partners demonstrated their solutions with Beesmart middleware.

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Delivering interactive TV service through cable networks

Researchers say that cable remains an inferior mechanism for delivering television. However, there is a solution for cable operators. This White Paper describes possible approaches for cable operators to upgrade TV service to the Interactive TV of the future.

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Is Smart TV smart enough?!

Some say that Smart TVs are the future in TV industry – no need for STBs, just IP connectivity or DVB signal and Smart TV takes care for Live TV and other interactive features. But are they right?