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From BeeSmart to Beenius

Company BeeSmart, the most progressive interactive TV middleware provider for service operators, is announcing that its name is changing to Beenius on May 16 th.

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Beenius news

May 16th is approaching faster than ever! On that day the company BeeSmart will become Beenius!

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Beenius and Verimatrix White Paper

Beenius presents white paper in cooperation with Verimatrix: Beenius and Verimatrix:Multi-network video delivery solution for OTT&IPTV

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The end of NAB Show 2012

This year NAB Show came to an end! More than 100,000 visitors came to the exhibition from over 150 countries.

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NAB show 2012 – Day 4

The closing day on the NAB Show 2012 was quieter than the previous ones, as expected.

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3rd day at the NAB show

On day three, we wanted to dedicate special attention to our partners that are presenting Beesmart along with their solutions.

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2nd day at the NAB show

Our second day at the NAB Show was a winner! We impressed our visitors with Beesmart Middleware’s advanced and compelling user-interface, along with wide range of supported devices. Our visitors were also impressed by the fact that Beesmart Middleware is already integrated with twelve different STB vendors.

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Our 1st day at the NAB show

Our first day at NAB Show was a great success. Potential customers, future partners and all other visitors, mainly from America and Canada, expressed great interest in BeeSmart Middleware. Most of them already consider launching a new over-the-top TV later this year.