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Watching TV on second screen devices is not crimping TV sales

The Quarterly Multi-Screen Usage Study (by NPD DisplaySearch) noted that 85% of tablet owners and 65 % of smartphone owners watch online content on their second screen devices, instead on their TVs. This trend does not have a negative impact on TV (1st screen) sales.

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Is Smart TV smart enough?!

Some say that Smart TVs are the future in TV industry – no need for STBs, just IP connectivity or DVB signal and Smart TV takes care for Live TV and other interactive features. But are they right?

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World Tour 2013

Join Beenius at this year’s events all over the world.

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Second day at NAB show in Las Vegas

First day at NAB Show in Las Vegas was very exciting. We had so many visitors at our booth! Our team is excited to have met so many of our current and future customers and partners!

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Las Vegas, Baby…YEAH!!

This year’s Nab show starts today and Beenius team is excited to welcome you at booth No. A508 in North Hall at Las Vegas Convention Center.