Big Data

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Importance of user statistic for operators

Understanding TV Consumer The 500 channel universe of yesterday could shortly become the 1 million-channel universe of tomorrow, due to the increase of content providers. The content from online video providers like Netflix, Hulu, YouTube and Amazon has been embraced by consumers rapidly. With the rise of tablets, smartphones, video-games consoles and other mobile video […]

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Recommendations – The very useful acquisition for OTT viewers

The operators should embrace OTT as it becomes normal everyday habit of their viewers. The internet is emerging as a sustainable way for broadcast content delivery and today Pay-TV as well as Cable operators are able to reach their audience directly by using OTT. One of the valuable benefits provided by Beenius Platform is to […]

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How to collect, manage and monatize big data – advanced television roundtable

The CEO of Beenius Mr. Filip Remškar was invited to participate at Advanced Television Roundtable in London to discuss Bid Data. What is Big Data, how is it collected, how can it be managed and how will it deliver monetization? These are all the questions answered by top five representatives of the Interactive TV world. To […]