pay TV

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Recommendations – The very useful acquisition for OTT viewers

The operators should embrace OTT as it becomes normal everyday habit of their viewers. The internet is emerging as a sustainable way for broadcast content delivery and today Pay-TV as well as Cable operators are able to reach their audience directly by using OTT. One of the valuable benefits provided by Beenius Platform is to […]

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EU’s digital single market

With the end of April, the roaming surcharges will be lowered for the last time before disappearing by June 2017. This is one of the actions in the EU Digital Single Market agenda, and why it matters for operators you may ask? The Digital Single Market strategy will allow better access for consumers and business […]

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Bundles…why not offer TV as well?!

Traditional telecommunication and cable television networks provided the first wave of bundled offers, which included triple-play services (telephony, data and pay-television services). This was followed by the emergence of quadruple-play offers, as wireless broadband networks enabled operators to add mobility to the previous services as well as a range of new services (e.g. navigation). As […]

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Behavior on mobile is different

What has Netflix to say about watching video on mobile devices – any differentiations between first and second screen? The end of February was full of news from Mobile World Congress. For us the very important information was from Scott Meyer, VP of the Netflix’s device partner ecosystem, that most of their users are still […]

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Internet STBs are replacements

Internet STBs (iSTBs) are the potential replacement of the standard STBs for more than half of consumers, says TGD report.

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Is Pay-TV really a waste of money?

We can hear from all angles that Cable TV is not the future in Interactive TV world. Traditional Cable doesn’t offer services like Facebook, web browser, YouTube videos, or VOD. Are cable subscribers really throwing their money away?