Smart Phone

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More and more connected devices on market until 2017

Report by MRG says that more and more devices are moving to a mobile world, and that the ability to deliver high quality, Hi-definition video streams across home networks to devices using multiple formats and screen sizes is crucial to the success of content and services providers.

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Is the TV set back again?

More than 90% of UK population use TV set at least once a week. A half of those adult own a private smartphone and one of four owns a tablet computer.

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Towards the Connected TV at IBC 2013

Imagine that – the first screen device with all of your favorite applications that you already know from your smartphone or tablet computer. Now Beesmart is available on one more client.

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Watching TV on second screen devices is not crimping TV sales

The Quarterly Multi-Screen Usage Study (by NPD DisplaySearch) noted that 85% of tablet owners and 65 % of smartphone owners watch online content on their second screen devices, instead on their TVs. This trend does not have a negative impact on TV (1st screen) sales.